Retroperitoneal Schwannoma: A Case Report

Marwa Sabur *

Department of Visceral Surgery I, Military Hospital Mohamed V, Rabat, Morocco and Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, University Mohamed V, Rabat, Morocco.

Imad Elazzaoui

Department of Visceral Surgery I, Military Hospital Mohamed V, Rabat, Morocco and Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, University Mohamed V, Rabat, Morocco.

Mohammed Lamghari

Department of Visceral Surgery I, Military Hospital Mohamed V, Rabat, Morocco and Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, University Mohamed V, Rabat, Morocco.

Mahmoud Dabbagh

Department of Visceral Surgery I, Military Hospital Mohamed V, Rabat, Morocco and Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, University Mohamed V, Rabat, Morocco.

Amine Maazouz

Department of Visceral Surgery I, Military Hospital Mohamed V, Rabat, Morocco and Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, University Mohamed V, Rabat, Morocco.

Hind Hablaje

Department of Visceral Surgery I, Military Hospital Mohamed V, Rabat, Morocco and Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, University Mohamed V, Rabat, Morocco.

Mohamed Najih

Department of Visceral Surgery I, Military Hospital Mohamed V, Rabat, Morocco and Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, University Mohamed V, Rabat, Morocco.

Hakim Elkaoui

Department of Visceral Surgery I, Military Hospital Mohamed V, Rabat, Morocco and Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, University Mohamed V, Rabat, Morocco.

Sidi Mohammed Bouchentouf

Department of Visceral Surgery I, Military Hospital Mohamed V, Rabat, Morocco and Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, University Mohamed V, Rabat, Morocco.

Ahmed Bounaim

Department of Visceral Surgery I, Military Hospital Mohamed V, Rabat, Morocco and Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, University Mohamed V, Rabat, Morocco.

Mountassir Moujahid

Department of Visceral Surgery I, Military Hospital Mohamed V, Rabat, Morocco and Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, University Mohamed V, Rabat, Morocco.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Schwannomas are benign tumors that arise from neural sheath Schwann cells, generally located in the head and neck, often along the cranial nerves, they constitute a particularly rare neoplasm among tumors of the retroperitoneal area.

We report the case of a 63-year-old lady consulting for abdominal discomfort and urinary symptoms and was found to have a retroperitoneal mass at CT Scan and MRI.

Keywords: Schwannoma, retroperitoneum, peripheral nerve tumors, surgical resection

How to Cite

Sabur , Marwa, Imad Elazzaoui, Mohammed Lamghari, Mahmoud Dabbagh, Amine Maazouz, Hind Hablaje, Mohamed Najih, Hakim Elkaoui, Sidi Mohammed Bouchentouf, Ahmed Bounaim, and Mountassir Moujahid. 2023. “Retroperitoneal Schwannoma: A Case Report”. Asian Journal of Research in Surgery 6 (2):87-91.


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