Brain Metastasis of Papillary Ovarian Adenocarcinoma: A Case Presentation

M.A. Daraabou *

Neurosurgery Department, CHU IBN SINA Rabat, Mohammed V University of Rabat, Morocco.


Neurosurgery Department, CHU IBN SINA Rabat, Mohammed V University of Rabat, Morocco.

P Pastory

Neurosurgery Department, CHU IBN SINA Rabat, Mohammed V University of Rabat, Morocco.


Neurosurgery Department, CHU IBN SINA Rabat, Mohammed V University of Rabat, Morocco.

N.El Fatemi

Neurosurgery Department, CHU IBN SINA Rabat, Mohammed V University of Rabat, Morocco.

M.R. El Maaqili

Neurosurgery Department, CHU IBN SINA Rabat, Mohammed V University of Rabat, Morocco.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Brain metastasis is an uncommon diagnosis in patients with epithelial ovarian cancer, with reported incidences of 1-2% [1]. Serous epithelial ovarian cancer (OC) has an overall grim prognosis and is the major histological subtype that metastasizes to the brain. The average time lapse between the first diagnosis and the onset of cerebral lesions is a direct function of the primary tumor grade and stage. Median survival after diagnosis of brain metastases is 6 months. We would propose that patients treated for ovarian carcinoma could include brain imaging on the list of follow-up studies. In the present study, we identified a patient with brain metastasis of ovarian adenocarcinoma that was treated by removal via surgery followed by six cycles of chemotherapy for 3 years. 

Keywords: Brain metastases, Surgery, Stereotactic radiosurgery, Whole-brain radiotherapy, Chemotherapy

How to Cite

Daraabou, M.A., A.Regragui, P Pastory, M.Hemama, N.El Fatemi, and M.R. El Maaqili. 2024. “Brain Metastasis of Papillary Ovarian Adenocarcinoma: A Case Presentation”. Asian Journal of Research in Surgery 7 (2):416-19.


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