Uncommon Presentation of Adrenal Cystic Lymphangioma: A Case Report and Review of literature

Imad Laamri *

Visceral Surgery Department II, Mohammed V Military Training Hospital, Rabat, Morocco.

Mohammed Dady

Visceral Surgery Department II, Mohammed V Military Training Hospital, Rabat, Morocco.

Taha Kabbaj

Visceral Surgery Department II, Mohammed V Military Training Hospital, Rabat, Morocco.

Sabrillah Echiguer

Visceral Surgery Department II, Mohammed V Military Training Hospital, Rabat, Morocco.

Yousra Ouhammou

Visceral Surgery Department II, Mohammed V Military Training Hospital, Rabat, Morocco.

Mountassir Moujahid

Visceral Surgery Department II, Mohammed V Military Training Hospital, Rabat, Morocco.

Ahmed Bounaim

Visceral Surgery Department II, Mohammed V Military Training Hospital, Rabat, Morocco.

Aziz Zentar

Visceral Surgery Department II, Mohammed V Military Training Hospital, Rabat, Morocco.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Cystic lymphangioma of the adrenal gland is a rare benign tumor, typically discovered incidentally due to its asymptomatic nature. Imaging techniques such as ultrasound and CT scans play a critical role in suggesting the diagnosis, but definitive confirmation is achieved through histopathological analysis of the surgical specimen. The preferred treatment is surgical excision, with complete resection offering an excellent prognosis. However, incomplete removal may lead to recurrence, underscoring the importance of regular postoperative monitoring. We present a case of a 55 year old man diagnosed with cystic lymphangioma, successfully treated through surgical resection, with plans for ongoing follow-up.

Keywords: Cystic lymphangioma, adrenal gland, cystic tumor

How to Cite

Laamri, Imad, Mohammed Dady, Taha Kabbaj, Sabrillah Echiguer, Yousra Ouhammou, Mountassir Moujahid, Ahmed Bounaim, and Aziz Zentar. 2024. “Uncommon Presentation of Adrenal Cystic Lymphangioma: A Case Report and Review of Literature”. Asian Journal of Research in Surgery 7 (2):388-93. https://journalajrs.com/index.php/AJRS/article/view/235.


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