The Differences between Facial Aesthetics Improvements of Patients with Unilateral Cleft Lip & Palate with Bilateral CLP

Somar Hassan Ali *

AL Dhannah Hospital, UAE.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


This literature review summarizes a series of studies on facial aesthetics improvements in individuals with unilateral and bilateral cleft lip and palate conditions. These studies assess surgical techniques, patient satisfaction, and treatment outcomes. Notably, a 2-stage palatoplasty technique with a vomer flap is found to yield favorable results for unilateral cleft lip and palate patients, underlining its reliability. Additionally, patient satisfaction is explored, revealing variations between self-assessment and clinical evaluations. The aesthetics of the nasolabial region have improved over several decades for individuals with bilateral cleft lip palate, with notable differences based on gender and professional background. The effectiveness of the computer-aided design and nasoalveolar molding for people with bilateral cleft lip/palate is also investigated, showing promising results for both modalities. Finally, the impact of the Latham-Millard protocol on dental occlusion is examined, revealing a higher prevalence of crossbites, particularly anterior crossbites, compared to conservative treatments, with statistical significance in most cases. These studies provide valuable insights into the aesthetics and treatment outcomes for individuals with cleft lip and palate conditions.

Keywords: Facial Aesthetics, cleft lip, cleft palate, cleft lip and palate

How to Cite

Ali, Somar Hassan. 2023. “The Differences Between Facial Aesthetics Improvements of Patients With Unilateral Cleft Lip & Palate With Bilateral CLP”. Asian Journal of Research in Surgery 6 (2):315-19.


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